Weekly Meetings II
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Meeting No.: 8 14 Mar 2002
Purpose:-To have the prototype of the Thermo
Conductivity Probe completed
- Inform the group what is expected as far
as final drawing
Minutes:-Everyone is to have at least two design
drawings. One is to be a sketch and the
other to be a Professional drawing using
ACad or PCB. Also a description of how
their circuit actually functions and what
its purpose of their circuit in the big
Problems:-PCB software is not available on the
Engineering computers
-The tube size 0.0355” is to small to
insert thermal couple
Solutions:-If members of the group are unable to
down load PCB software off the Internet
at home then they will have to use ACad
-The larger diameter tube will have to
use or a way of putting the heater coil
on the exterior will have to be
Results:-Most of the circuit board prototypes are
complete, the display maybe the only major
problem due to a lack of parts.


Kinnon 2002