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Week #4 Our first working circuits using surface mount components.
The following page shows a transformation from drawing a circuit out on paper, transferring to board, and soldering on surface mount components. The circuit is 1 steady LED and one variable flashing LED.

Devlopment stages of circuit.
The circuit must be drawn out on paper first. From here it will be transferred to a circuit board ready for components.
Surface mount components
Note the size of the surface mount components compared to the coin as reference.
Mounting and soldering of components.
Components are mounted using an everyday soldering iron. Notice the fine craftsmanship here!!
Soldering process.
In some cases a magnifying glass needs to be used because the parts are so small.
Finished circuit board
Note the size comparison between the surface mount capacitor and the through hole capacitor.
Testing Circuit
Circuits are hooked to a power supply and the speed of the flashing LED can be changed.
Size comparison
These two circuits do basically the same thing. Note the size difference between the surface mount in front and the through hole in the background.