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Meeting No.: 1 Date: 17 Jan 02

Purpose: Introduction into the design objectives

Minutes: - Soldering explanation - through vs. surface mount
- Methods of etching circuit boards - marker and chemicals vs. photo detective
- Design of a circuit board

Problems - It could take a lot of time to get the proper training to do surface mounting
- A very good experience if we could try a surface mount
- Do we have the proper equipment to do a surface mount?
- We do not see a problem with marker and chemical or the photo detective approach for etching the cct boards
- Should we use one cct board of a multiple?
- One chassis of a multiple?

Solutions: No solutions as of yet, we are still brainstorming

Results: Individual roles and responsibilities are stating to develop, after the next meeting the project should start to come together.
Meeting No.: 2 Date: 24 Jan. 2002

Purpose: Gain Practical experience in soldering, circuit board layout and etching boards

Minutes: - Chassis design and circuit board mounting was discussed sketches to be reviewed at next weeks meeting
- Practice circuit board were etched, drilled for through hole mounting and components were then surfaced mounted and through hole mounted
- The components mounted were:
2 capacitors
2 though hole resistors
1 transistor
4 surface mounted resistors
1 IC chip

Problems: - The ferric chloride that we used took a long time to etch the boards
- We did not have enough permanent markers; therefore it took along time for everyone to design their circuit board.
- There were only four soldering kits; therefore once again it took a long time for everyone to get their practical experience.

Solutions: - get more supplies so at least half the group can be working at one time. i.e. 2 more soldering work stations and more permanent markers (red and green seem to work the best)
- It is possible that heating up the ferric chloride will improve the reaction time

Results: Everyone finished their circuit board etched but not everyone got their components mounted on their circuit board do to the lack of supplies and the ferric chloride was slow
Meeting No.: 3 Date: 01 Feb. 2002

Purpose: Gain more practical experience designing circuit boards and soldering

Minutes: - Finished our practice circuit boards
- Group received parts for our project; an inventory was taken and all parts received
- Design a circuit board for L.E.D. display
- All parts required to construct the L.E.D. circuit were distributed

Problems: - the design of the L.E.D. circuit was not done to scale
- Very difficult to see surface mounted components
- Not enough soldering irons
- The thermo probe is limited to lab use

Solutions:- insure next circuit board design is done to scale
- See about the purchasing of magnifying glasses for soldering and soldering irons
- Discuss with the group the possibility of designing a battery operated thermo conductivity probe

Results : Some great sketches of a possible chassis design were received, once we get some more insight into the actual dimensions of the individual circuit boards we will be able to finalize the design.
Meeting No.: 4 Date: 7 Feb 02

Purpose: Finish design and construction of flashing LED cct board.

Minutes: - Finished the design of the
flashing LED board, and initiated
- Unofficial brainstorm re: webpage.

Problems: - Long waits during lab, time was
used inefficiently,

Solutions: - Ensure more organization in the

Results : Approximately two thirds of the class
have produced working circuit boards.
There seems to be more pride involved
this time, as the result actually
performs a task.
Meeting No.: 5 Date: 14 Feb 02
Purpose: Finish the blinking LED circuit; muster the parts for individual circuit boards. (Thermo conductivity probe) and to start the design of the probe layout.

Minutes: - finished our blinking LED circuit
boards(Trouble shooting circuit connections)
- Groups began on their portions of the
thermo probe (drawings)
- Main parts were given to each
group for circuit drawings
- Downloaded part information
on the Internet

Problems: - some circuits (practice LED) were
not working; LED’s were not blinking
- Need better storage for parts
from individual circuits boards
- People from other labs were interrupting
and disturbing our lab while soldering was
being preformed or instruction was given

Solutions: - It was found that some of the
capacitors were U/S, which was causing
the LED to malfunction.
- The interruption problem was brought up
with Professor Tarnawski

Results: - Most of the LED’s are complete and
those that are not will be next meeting
- Most parts have been mustered and
Meeting No. 6 Date: 28 Feb 02
Purpose: To continue designing circuit board prototypes
Minutes: -Finish Prototype board design
-Start AutoCAD drawings for circuits
-Transplant AutoCAD drawings to group Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
-Make group PCB and populate with parts
Problems: -Lab instructor (Jeff), is spread to thin
- No circuit diagram for digital display
- Lack of Proper tools
- Instructions are quite vague
Solutions: - Start each lab period with a meeting including lab instructor to find
out what is expected objectives of each lab and to find out what parts
or documentation is missing
Results: - everyone was able to get their blinking LED circuit to work
- Most groups are getting a good start on Prototypes
Meeting No. 7 Date: 7 Mar 02

Purpose:To have the prototype of the Thermo
Conductivity Probe completed
Minutes:-the large Probe was constructed and
resistance check were carried out on
the heater cable and the thermo coupler
- The variable Power supply is close to
- The 15v power supply is near completion
- The boards for the change in temperature
indicator/control unit, the
heater/thermocouple, and the amplifier are
all etched and ready for assembly
-The T display board is designed and will
be etched next week
Problems:-once again the lab assistant is being
over occupied
- Some tools requested are ‘C’ clamps and
jig saw for cutting cct boards
- Locating serviceable part for the T
- It may have been an unreasonable goal to
think that the prototype would
be complete this week
Solutions:-if all the requested part is available
the prototype should be completed for
next week
-If this project is to be undertaken next
year again the a better inventory of
the tools should be consider at the
- Set more reasonable weekly goals
- Consider a lab assistant just for the
Results: The individual cct are coming together and
a working prototype and a
working final project are foreseeable

Kinnon 2002